Library services

Lending Service:

All Library members (Students, teachers, and non-teaching staff) may borrow book(s) from the library through open access system.

Reading Room:

 Student can take maximum 1 books at a time for reading through their Library card. There is also a separate reading room for the teachers in the Library. 

Sitting Capacity :

For Students -30 persons

                       For Teachers-10  persons

Internet :   

We have also internet facilities. Members of the Library may use the computer for browsing the world-wide information in his/her specific topic through e-learning center.


We have already introduced Online Public Access Cataloguing system for the sake of users.


We provide  e-resources through Nlist .

Reference service: 

This type of service is given to the members throughout the Library hours.

Newspaper service : 

We also maintain a separate register of newspaper service for the current and future benefit for the members especially for the students.

New arrivals: 

A separate notice board is arranged for displaying the information about the new arrivals of the Library.

Career Oriented/ Competitive Examination Books : Following categories are available

  1. Pesha Porovsh
  2. Safolyo
  4. Yojana (Bengali & English medium)
  5. University News
  6. EPW (Economic and Political Weekly)
  7. General Knowledge
  8. Competition Success Review
  9. Pratiyogita Darpan
  10. Karmasansthan & Karmakhetra

Recreational Books:

  1. Suswastho (Bengali Monthly Magazine)
  2. Vromon (Bengali Monthly Magazine)
Journals , maganzines , daily newspaper, books on career guidance, employment related papers, recreational books are also available in Library


Library Extension Activities:

Orientation Program: Library organizes orientation programs for the 1st semester students to create awareness about library sources and services.

 Carrier Guidance Related Document Service: Career Guidance Section has been running successfully from 2018 with 3 weekly career –related newspapers and some career related books on General Knowledge , Current Affairs , Karma Sansthan Gosthir Saphollo, Pesha Probesh , Current Event News & Knowledge Careers & Courses, Pratijogita Darpan , Udbodhon etc.

Other Services

We preserve newspapers for one year.

We preserve back volumes of magazines.


University question paper repository : 

Students can search and download university question papers for previous examinations.

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